Monday, September 21, 2009

The Art of Mountain Walking

Effective hiking can mean relearn to walk, and also the correct technique reinforced by experience. There are several techniques that can be used, but they all have the same goal. Safe movement in difficult terrain, with the least expenditure of energy to get to a destination in good condition. Let us take into account over a couple of principles.

You should keep your weight directly over your feet at all times the center (if practically possible). PlaceYou get to walk flat on the ground, as much alone-ground contact as possible. Make prevent your foot on the uphill side of the bunch-grass and other level spots rotate the ankle and Achilles tendon presses (to avoid something in my personal experience is, achilles injuries are very painful and may take weeks to heal). You should rest between steps, by straightening the knee after each step. Take small steps at a slow pace. Try to avoid steep angle of ascent or descent, withAdvantage of a depression in the ground.

If it should) in a group rate (number of steps per minute can be adjusted according to the rate at which moves the group. Since the physical differences mean that the tempos of two people moving at the same speed, will not be the same, the interval should be kept private between three to five steps. So each person to adjust their pace of change of slope or surface can increase their speed, tempo and rhythm. The end of theFile from this interval advantage, because the accordion effect will be diminished.

Terrain, weather and light conditions affect the rate of climb. The more adverse the conditions, the slower the pace. Too fast, even under ideal conditions, which results in early fatigue, which encouraged more rest, time to loss of climbing. You can just as quickly as you make your legs. The key is to rest, good nutrition, proper conditioning and acclimatization, and the will toklettern.

Breaks, if necessary, should be kept to a minimum. When taking a rest, laces should be loosened and the body ventilated (by layer dressing). At the end of the day, a promotion, a good rest will be to revive tired muscles.

The remaining step, as described above, for steep climbing, if not exactly elegant, this slow, steady, halting step Left keep the pace slow and rhythmic. This is much more efficient than the bursts of speed, which are quickly exhausted and requiremore recreation.

There is much to cover on foot in the mountains, and I want it a short series of articles. Watch out for the second part with more techniques for different terrain.

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