Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why Some People Almost Always End Up With What They Want - And You Don't

You can not remember the name, but the word "day by day, in every way I am getting better and better," will forever be attached to French psychologist and pharmacist Émile Coué.

Self-mastery through conscious autosuggestion a sensation on publication in 1920 in England and America in 1922. Dr. Coue method of positive, optimistic held in which thousands of cures, based on evidence I've read that in the clinic Coue in Nancy, France occurred. He saw an almosthundred patients per day and almost always put in a sixteen hour day. Married into a wealthy family, Coue "at no charge for his services.

"Because the patient heard Dr. Coue ', ebbed away their attention, they were lulled into a drowsy state, only by vivid images he called before the eyes of the mind populated," Harry C. Brooks writes in the method and practice of autosuggestion. "Coue was" just an agent calls the ideas in the heads of the health of his patients. From now on, they couldand have the pilots over their own destiny. "

If the will and imagination are in conflict if they do not agree, it is almost always the imagination triumph over the will-power, believes Dr. Coue.

Suggestion is the act of introducing an idea on the brain of another. We do this all the time, whether we consciously realize it. Advertisers do their best ideas into our heads, to impose and I think they know what they are doing. This differs from the suggestion inthat "the implantation of an idea in itself of itself."

If you no longer reading this article, and said: "From day to day, in every way, my life is getting better?" What would answer your inner voice? "Are you kidding?" Let me tell you a long list of why your life is anything but better and better. Stop this day by day in every way a nonsense, "or they would answer:" The so-called evidence of the senses you may see your life in order to view does not work. but it is notsufficient evidence to take your case before a jury and a conviction. Actually, your life really better and better. They are happy and not know it. That is the real problem. Everything else on your agenda? "

How strong is our imagination? "If you imagine that you are not the easiest thing in the world, it is impossible for you to do it," said Coue of suggestion and auto-suggestion "and moleholes become insurmountable mountain for you."

"People are always preachEffort, but this idea must be rejected, "said Dr. Coue" existed. For men who are the captains of industry in the age Coue, success requires willpower and stubborn endurance. "Train Your will power or you are nowhere," she yelled. Coue 'did not agree.

Following is Coue "," Effort funds and is produced by the possible entry of imagination in opposition, and the attainment of the exact opposite to the desired result is a. "Many years later, plastic surgeon Dr. Maxwell Maltzwould say the same thing in his bestseller Psychocybernetics.

"To make auto-suggestion, you must remove the complete and only you can contact the imagination to a conflict between them, where would the desire to avoid being defeated," said Coue.

"Our imagination always overruled our will, if there is a conflict between the two, and in this case we do [the opposite, or get the opposite results] to what we're doing. We say to ourselves:" I need to goto sleep, I must go to sleep, I must go to sleep, "and all the much-vaunted willpower backing these claims are only creates more twisting and turning.

The idea behind the car or the self-proposal reads: "Every thought quite true, the mind filling in for us and tends to translate itself into action," said Coue "his patients." If you have something to do, always think "It's easy," and take the words "difficult" and "impossible" and "I can not" and "it is stronger than me," "I can notprevent me from '... disappear from your vocabulary. "Replace it, he said, with the sentence" It's easy and I can. "

I am convinced that Dr. Coue voice to convey a physical presence, confidence, and ability to his faith to any of his patients that they should either be good, better, or - in cases where cure the disease progressed too far - to find relief from the racking pain, his personal charisma and presence gives suggestions of hope for his patients and if their "innerSpirit "to the conviction was amazing turn-arounds in their lives.

For pain relief, "said Coue" not about the auto-suggestion to the specific focus or organ, the pain itself, because "addressing directly only amplifies them. "The sentence" It goes, "or" There goes away, "or even better:" It's Going, Going, Going, Going, Going - gone! "Repeated every hour or half an hour will bring relief.

Remember, Coue, a pharmacist himself was not the negation of the medical profession's efforts toBehalf of patients, but he thought drugs were prescribed and surgeries performed too often for a particular set of conditions that can be cured by spiritual therapeutic agents - in other words, self-suggestion.

To capture the role played, as in a repeat of his famous phrase "Day by day, in every way I'm getting better," requires an understanding of our unconscious self, which are believed Coue "to" the great director of all our functions . "Message:" From day to day, in every way I am getting better and better "or a similar positive stimulus is like tapping the head of a nail with a hammer to drive the old nails or" belief system "out of the brain.

This article has been on aspects such as the treatment of Dr. Coue ', but the principles of turning that part of our mind that is accessible to the proposal to "apply to a true believer, not just better health focuses practiced But the success, wealth and happiness. In cases of stage fright, playing better> Tennis, golf, lose weight, provides a means of auto-suggestion, our optimistic mood, while we engage in the actual work requiring these activities.

"The dimension of each barrier is at least as much, depends on our mental attitude, will show" Harry C. Brooks in the method and practice of auto-suggestion "as to its internal difficulties. Share the work you prior to the date it is to make easy and pleasant. "Why do this? "Since the obstacles are created by fear and anxietynow removed to flow freely our ideas, our plans in the stillness of the mind to build itself, and we have come to the real work with a creative force and determination, "says Brooks.

According to Dr. Coue, "" Every idea that enters the consciousness when it is accepted by the subconscious, it is transformed into reality and now forms an integral part of our lives. "

British writer Colin Wilson says that the discovery, we have a partner,wants us to projects that have seemed impossible even to cooperate, is "analogous to falling in love and realize that your feelings are reciprocated." The good news? You are not alone, you have a powerful ally who wants to work with you.

The key is to learn to how to get the active support of that other, even to influence or spirit, and that's where Coue "enters the picture with his philosophy of positive optimism - the" spirit can do, "which says:" Of course, you win can besuccessful, healthier, happier than ever before - why not? It's easy. You can do it Nothing's holding you back except yourself! "

Wilson tells us that "The ones you live in the left side of the brain, not realize it has on the right side of this extremely capable people working in the brain." When afraid, we separate ourselves from the source of power, but - and here's the exciting part - "We have a willing ally who can take half of the work from our shoulders" and isSupply of vital energy from our reserve tanks until the end of the tasks that we manage.

"When I was ready to expect some emergency or beautiful event [like a holiday] I, transferring large amounts of energy to the surface of tanks, I could draw a large sum from the bank before my trip," says Wilson.

What kind of auto-suggestion will work best on the help of our unseen allies win? "Never lose sight of the great principle of auto-suggestion," Coue "wrote." Optimism over and despite theeverything, even if events do not seem to justify. "

Auto-suggestion supported by a strong faith and inner conviction, Dr. Coue "taught" is a powerful force. "When we encourage these states to internal security, through self-suggestion, which we almost immediately begin to monitor their impact.

"We have less risk of accident to be," says Wilson. "Some sixth sense helps us to get started on YouTube no problems. Interesting coincidences."

You see, our partners or allies, hiddenhelps us. So if we know our suggestible mind "Everything is good," he replied with a touch of warmth and a resurgence of sheer joy, "which we interpret as happiness. It is able to do so because, as C. Harry Brooks noted, "Among our picky little disturbed ego ... is an ocean of [unused] power. "

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